Aaron Scott Hildebrandt is a Canadian writer, photographer and animator who's done a photo series of the Vancouver Pride Parade every year since 2012. Why does he do it? Hildebrandt says: "Because everyone in attendance at the parade is absolutely, unbelievably gorgeous." True enough!
Hildebrandt shares some of his story, "I grew up in a place known nationally for its homophobia. Sexuality was always this distant, fringe thing, and anything outside of well-defined limitations was, well, perverted. And I didn’t understand why perversion was something worth celebrating."
That's an excellent point, Aaron. After the challenging year our community has had to experience we definitely need to celebrate as often as we can! That's why on the last day of 2016 I thought I'd post some of Aaron's pictures taken during Pride in Vancouver this past August. Here's to 2017. With Pride.
You can visit Aaron Scott Hildebrandt website here.