Happy Friday!
I hope everyone has had a good week. I know I'm looking forward to this weekend! Below you'll find news items I've not covered which I hope you'll find of interest.
- Shane, Editor
HRC Partners With Tie The Knot For Valentine’s Day
The Human Rights Campaign Foundation has partnered with Tie The Knot for a Valentine’s Day campaign so you, your friends and loved ones can show off your individuality and rock some fun fashion — whether you’re indoors or social distancing outside — while supporting LGBTQ equality across the U.S. and around the world. From Feb. 8-12, 2021, proceeds from Tie The Knot sales will benefit HRCF and support our work to fundamentally change the way LGBTQ people are treated in our everyday lives. More.
HIV Diagnoses In Gay And Bisexual Men Fell By 20% Following Rollout Of PrEP Program In Scotland
However, the research found that the PrEP program is not reaching people from other groups who could benefit, such as women, heterosexual men, people from some African communities, transgender people and those who inject drugs. More
Can We Recover From The Trauma Of The Trump Years?
The past four years were marked by extremism, violence, and deception. Americans must find a way to live with those traumas—and with each other. More.
Study Focuses On Mental Health Of Gay Men Amid Pandemic
63% of men who participated in the study reported only leaving their home for essentials amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The research suggests being in isolation has contributed to feelings of anxiety and loneliness, and dissatisfaction with their sex life. More.
Racism, Anti-Gay Discrimination Heighten Risk For Arrest And Incarceration
Sexual minority young adults are nearly three times more likely to report being criminally sanctioned compared to their heterosexual peers; and the rate of HIV among prisoners is multiple times higher than the general population. Discrimination can occur at all stages of criminal justice involvement, from differential enforcement and/or threats of violence by police officers to court proceedings and sentencings. More
New Zealand Issues Special Stamp To Celebrate Pride Month
New Zealand issued a special stamp to celebrate Pride month and mark the 35th anniversary of the passing of the Homosexual Law Reform Act that decriminalized same-sex relationships. Auckland Pride, February 3-28. Wellington Pride festival, March 13-27. More.
The Many Challenges For Older LGBTQ People
To be older and alone is a challenge. For LGBTQ seniors, who are far more likely to be childless and estranged from family, the experience can be even more challenging. More.
LGBTQ At Greater Risk Of Severe COVID-19 Symptoms
The LGBTQ community is at greater risk of experiencing severe COVID-19 symptoms, according to a new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More.
Where Do You Get Your News?
Did you know there were no homosexuals until the late 19th century? It’s true. For centuries in the Eurocentric world, there’d been horrific punishments for the “crime against nature.” These acts could earn a crushing jail sentence, or even death. Emphasis on “these acts.” Hammurabi, the fearsome King of Babylon, codified all behaviors into 282 laws. This was around 1754 B.C. — almost 4 millennia ago. His laws concern both business matters and personal ones related to marriage and sexual behavior. There were no anti-same sex structures anywhere. Nearby, Egypt likewise failed to restrict same-sex desire. In fact, even further back than Hammurabi, in early 25th century B.C., we find Niankhkhnum and Khnumhotep, the “Overseers of the Manicurists of the Palace of the King.” These men and their minions serviced royal bodies daily to prepare them for smooth days and nights. That means they actually touched the pharaoh! More.
Being In The Closet At Work
New Zealand Issues Special Stamp To Celebrate Pride Month

The Many Challenges For Older LGBTQ People
To be older and alone is a challenge. For LGBTQ seniors, who are far more likely to be childless and estranged from family, the experience can be even more challenging. More.
LGBTQ At Greater Risk Of Severe COVID-19 Symptoms
The LGBTQ community is at greater risk of experiencing severe COVID-19 symptoms, according to a new report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More.
Where Do You Get Your News?
Most boomers and Gen X-ers get their news from CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News. The target audience is between 50 and 60 years old. These outlets do not show a wide range of perspectives. Fox News in particular tends to spread large amounts of misinformation. More.
Thailand Is Not The LGBTQ Paradise We Think It Is
Thailand promotes itself as a queer-friendly destination, but discrimination against LGBTQ people still persists in society. More.
An Ancient Egyptian Valentine
Thailand Is Not The LGBTQ Paradise We Think It Is
Thailand promotes itself as a queer-friendly destination, but discrimination against LGBTQ people still persists in society. More.
An Ancient Egyptian Valentine

Being In The Closet At Work
‘A lot of people are still in the closet at work in this day and age’
Why we need openly gay bosses. More.
185 LGBTQ German Actors Stage Mass Coming Out, Call for More On-Screen Diversity!
185 LGBTQ German Actors Stage Mass Coming Out, Call for More On-Screen Diversity!
The actors — among them 'Babylon Berlin' star Udo Samel and Karin Hanczewski and Mark Waschke from No. 1 German TV drama 'Tatort' — published a joint manifesto in the 'Sueddeutsche Zeitung' calling for a change in attitudes and more LGBTQ characters in scripts. More
Most Americans Think Black, Female and LGBTQ Americans Will Gain Influence Under Biden Administration
Thirty-eight percent of respondents said white people will lose influence and half of Americans believe evangelical Christians are destined to lose some influence with the new administration. More.
Most Americans Think Black, Female and LGBTQ Americans Will Gain Influence Under Biden Administration
Thirty-eight percent of respondents said white people will lose influence and half of Americans believe evangelical Christians are destined to lose some influence with the new administration. More.
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