"A new group called “Stand For Marriage DC” has popped up now that the D.C. city council has passed and the mayor signed into law same-sex marriage," reports DallasVoice. The organization has placed anti-same-sex advertising on D.C. Metro. Stand For Marriage DC wants to put marriage equality up for a vote. The group is a thinly veiled version of National Organization for Marriage that successfully defeated same-sex marriage in California and Maine. Full Equality Now DC, a Washington-based LGBT rights group, wants the ads removed on the grounds that they insult gays and lesbians and violate Metro’s nondiscrimination policies.
More Coverage
- Anti-gay ad on DC Metro buses tests gay community's definitions of free speech
- Washington D.C. Mayor Legalizes Gay Marriage
- Huge rally held before D.C's gay marriage vote
- D.C. approves same-sex marriage
- Archbishop wields charity services as weapon in D.C. gay marriage fight