Sunday, December 20, 2009

Asher Roth gay?

The headlines are screaming throughout the blogosphere that American rapper, Asher Roth (pictured), will be making a big gay announcement:

White Rapper Asher Roth proud of his gay lifestyle and ready to tell the world vie e news (

Rumor: Asher Roth Admits That He Is Gay? (

Asher Roth admits he is the infamous "Gay Rapper" in a new book put out by Terrance Dean (terrancedean.blogspot)

Asher Roth to appear on E!News to talk about new "Gay Lifestyle"(
Well, before anybody welcomes Asher Roth into the gaybourhood, they better check their sources.

Asher Roth is not gay.

My buddy Michael Jensen, editor of, has an exclusive report:
Rapper Asher Roth not gay according to manager!