Frank Schubert told the Bay Area Reporter the two women are in a registered domestic partnership. "She and Julie are in a domestic partnership, and they have two wonderful children," Frank Schubert said. Asked if he considered the children and Greenberg to be a part of his family, Frank Schubert replied, "Of course I consider them and their children to be part of my family, and I love them very much." Anne Marie Schubert declined to discuss same-sex marriage or Proposition 8, citing judicial code. "Because I am running for a judicial seat, I am bound by the California Code of Judicial Ethics. This code applies to both sitting judges and attorneys running for judicial office," Anne Marie Schubert said in an e-mail. "This code makes it clear that 'Candidates may not make statements that commit the candidate with respect to cases, controversies, or issues that could come before the courts.' This code also states, 'Judges involved in judicial campaigns must also avoid comment concerning a matter pending or impending in any court.'" READ MORE