Monday, November 16, 2009

Internet Effort Launched to Repeal Prop. 8 and Legalize Gay Marriage in California

A group called Love Honor Cherish launched an Internet-based effort today to collect enough signatures to place a measure repealing Prop. 8, the anti-gay marriage law, on a California state ballot by next year.
Jessica Garrison writes:
The signature-gathering drive will use social networking tools such as Facebook and Twitter, organizers said in a statement. “We’re taking names,” said John Henning, who is heading the effort launched to collect the signatures. "People throughout California can now help us win marriage back by the simple act of signing and collecting signatures.” READ MORE

It's time to repeal Prop 8 and restore equality
Love Honor Cherish writes:
In November 2008 Proposition 8 amended the California Constitution, taking the right to marry away from same-sex couples. This injustice should never have come to pass.

To place a new initiative on the November 2010 ballot we need one million California voters to sign the official petition you’ll find on this site. But voters can’t sign online or by email - every signature must be gathered the old fashioned way: with pen and paper. That’s where you come in. Under state law we are given only a few months to gather the required one million signatures, and we need your help.

Everything you need to do your part is right here. Download and print our petition form. Create a profile to set goals and network with others. Watch our training videos. Join or create signature-gathering teams. And find events in your area where you can help get signatures with a local group.

Sign for Equality is making history. Be a part of it. Then, on November 3, 2010 we'll wake up to equality. READ MORE