Friday, November 27, 2009

Adam Lambert's biggest critic, the gay community?

“American Idol” runner-up Adam Lambert ignited a firestorm of controversy over his American Music Awards performance, but his biggest critics may be in the gay community. Still Madonna did it, why not Adam? reports:
Jennifer Vanasco, editor in chief of website, said his performance hurt the cause of gay marriage in the eyes of mainstream Americans “who think gay life is exactly what (he) portrayed on the American Music Awards.”

Adam Lambert, 27, performed the single from his new album, For Your Entertainment, and the number included heavy sadomasochistic overtones. He led dancers on leashes, pushed another dancer’s face into his crotch, simulating oral sex, and French-kissed a third dancer. All were males. ABC claimed it received more than 1,500 complaints, and cancelled Lambert’s scheduled appearance on Wednesday’s “Good Morning America” show.

CBS jumped into the fray and booked Lambert for morning rival “The Early Show.” Lambert offered no apologies during the interview. While CBS showed the performance, it blurred the controversial scenes, which also provoked an outcry in the gay community.

Gay rights groups blasted CBS for hypocrisy. In the past, it has played unedited video of Madonna French kissing Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera at 2003’s MTV Video Music Awards. The move “reinforces an unfortunate double standard that is applied to openly gay performers,” said the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). READ MORE