Tuesday's News and Pop Culture Round-Up
- Sexy models pose in Times Square for Undergear
- Russian court blocks same-sex wedding; couple plan to marry in Canada next month
- Muslim football team refuses to play opposite gay team claiming it's "against their principles"
- Mel Gibson's drunk driving conviction expunged
- Tom DeLay quitting "Dancing with the Stars"
- Cocaine vaccine may help some reduce drug use
- News Flash: Morons with Signs
- Bravo to the Microsoft Corp. for donating $100,000 in favor of Referendum 71!
- U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announces support for the National Equality March
- Blackmail scandal boosts David Letterman's ratings
- Toyota unveils 'green' sports car, FT-86
- Disney's Rich Ross: Hollywood's first openly gay studio chairman
- Some of the largest dinosaur footprints ever documented have been found in France