Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gay Man Fired From Christian Radio Station

Ian Carrington, a gay Christian man who worked for six years at Refresh FM in Manchester, England, says he was fired after he revealed his sexual orientation to the radio station steering committee members. The committee told him that raising funds could prove to be difficult if audiences were offended by his sexuality.

UK Pink News reports:
Ian Carrington told PinkNews.co.uk he knew there could be some controversy over his decision to come out but said he wanted to be honest about his situation. He said:

"I came out to friends in 1993 or 1994, and then publicly in 1998. It's not something I'm necessarily naive about as I've been through it before.

"But I was growing increasingly uncomfortable and I needed to keep my integrity.

I said, 'I realise you might have a problem with this, but I'm gay'."

Carrington said he was then told by members of a steering committee for the radio station that he could no longer be a presenter because being a "practising homosexual" meant he was "living in a state of active sin".

The committee also told him that the church could face difficulties in raising funds if audiences were offended by his sexuality.