The Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives (clga.ca) will open its doors to the public in its new home at 34 Isabella Street in Toronto. The grand opening will be on Saturday, September 26th. Visit clga.ca for details.
Xtra.ca reports:
"It'll be a space where there'll be an awful lot more interaction, as well as the repository of our history," says CLGA vice president Dennis Findlay. Findlay says the new and improved digs — which include a public reading room, gallery and meeting space — will raise the profile of the organization and collection, as well as create a space for the community to come together. "As you walk through the house the walls will be festooned with things that came into our possession.... It'll be a lovely welcoming space," says Findlay. "People will be able to walk through our history in a visual kind of way." READ MORE
The grand opening of the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives' new home at 34 Isabella St takes place Sat, Sep 26 from 2pm to 5pm; reception in George Hislop Park. To RSVP call (416) 777-2755 or email .
To volunteer with CLGA contact Robert Windrum, chair of the archives' Volunteer Care Committee, at .
There are two upcoming fundraisers for CLGA: the Cabaret for a Cause at Buddies in Bad Times (12 Alexander St) on Sat, Oct 17 and the Third Annual Fowl Supper on Sat, Nov 14 at St Lawrence Hall (157 King St E).
See clga.ca for details.