Yesterday I posted the news that Houston lesbian mayoral candidate, Annise Parker (pictured), was attacked by anti-gay group via an email campaign. This email has been discovered to be a hoax. Off The Kuff spoke with Christians for Better Government and got the whole story. More dirty politics.
Off The Kuff reports:
It would appear that the email that purported to come from Christians for Better Government with the homophobic slam on Annise Parker is a complete fake. I have just gotten off the phone with the Rev. Willie Wright, the president of the real Christians For Better Government, who confirmed this to me. CFBG did endorse a slate of candidates last week, and their real list is included below. According to Rev. Wright, he has been contacted several times in the past by “right-wing groups” who want to use the name “Christians for Better Government” and are dismayed to find that Rev. Wright’s group isn’t right-wing. That suggests the possibility that this is an especially dirty trick, as the CFBG name has been sullied by the fake email. I deeply regret that my post may have contributed to that in any way, so let me set the record as straight as I can: The email that went out earlier today, with the sender’s address of “christiansforbettergovernment@gmail.com”, which purports to be from Christians For Better Government and which endorses Gene Locke for Mayor while rejecting Annise Parker for being a “homosexual”, is a fake.
Note that they did not endorse in the Mayor’s race; according to Rev. Wright, they will defer their endorsement to to runoff. Note also that a Google search for “christians for better governmemt” does not yield a result with the Christians For Better Government domain name. Had it done so, this post would have been very different from the beginning. I can’t do anything about that, but I can try to correct the record. My sincere apologies to the Rev. Wright for any trouble my original post caused him and his organization, and my sincere hope that whoever did this gets found out. I’m putting the original post beneath the fold and will delete everything after this sentence after the election.