Monday, February 02, 2009

Iceland's New Lesbian Prime Minister Receives Congratulations From Libby Davies And Svend Robinson

Congratulations to Johanna Sigurdardottir on becoming Iceland's new prime minister Sunday! The 66-year- old is in a registered civil union relationship with a female journalist and playwright. Her win has made the news internationally as well as here in Canada. Svend Robinson and Libby Davies, are two Canadian trailblazers in their own right and they shared their thoughts on this history making moment in Iceland.

Libby Davies:
"I think the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered) community will be very proud that she is in such a leadership role, Unfortunately homophobia and discrimination still exist, so it is empowering and important that she is there as a leader and role model, to show that sexual orientation is a reflection of our diverse society, and should not be an issue."
Svend Robinson:
"It was no more relevant than the colour of her eyes. This is truly a measure of the total acceptance and respect for diversity by Icelanders, and a great signal to the world that lesbians and gays are indeed everywhere, including in the highest office in the land. It is just a matter of time before we will see the first 'out' Canadian premier or prime minister, and hopefully it will be just as much of a non-issue in Canada as it is in Iceland."
MP Libby Davies, became the first parliamentarian to acknowledge she is a lesbian in 2001. Former MP Svend Robinson, became Canada's first openly gay parliamentarian in 1988. Both belong to the New Democrat Party of Canada.