Lance Bass: I don’t think anyone wants their public life exploited like that at such a time. I think it’s very hard, especially on the subject of being gay. Everyone needs their own time to accept it, figure it out and to reveal it. So being forced out I think is an awful thing to do. I think it scares more people to stay in the closet than help come out. I think it is, especially with people like Perez, kind of just entertaining. It’s such a big thing and it’s popular for a reason ... because people like to hear the crazy stuff. And even if it’s not true, it makes you feel a little better about your life. But I think, as a gay man, Perez needs to take responsibility and be a little nicer about the subject of outing people.
AfterElton: Would you have come out on your own?
Lance Bass: Oh, definitely. I mean I was already out to me and my friends. I was living my life the way I wanted to. I had a relationship. My friends knew. My inner circle knew. It was just something that we didn’t think was such a big deal and I was living a nice, normal private life, but then when someone throws you into the public eye, that’s when things get a little crazy and then you start having to either defend yourself or accept things. I always think it’s so crazy that you have to confirm that your straight or gay.
AfterElton: You’ve been doing some work on Proposition 8, correct?
Lance Bass: Right. We’ve done a lot of events here in Los Angeles and different things that I have co-hosted and we put some acts together to raise money. Yeah, it’s really just trying to get the word out there at a lot of the local clubs around L.A.
AfterElton: Have you made a choice for president yet?
Lance Bass: I have. I definitely am going to continue to watch the debates, but so far of what I’ve seen I’m an Obama fan for sure.